How big can BIG team building be?

 velká akce 200 tabletu 800x

Demanding clients present us with great and demanding challenges. Thanks to them and also thanks to the confidence that we are able to fulfil them, we are constantly improving our work and pushing the boundaries of what is possible forward. We are currently preparing our historically largest team activity for a large foreign company, which will bring its 1,400 employees, business partners, clients, and some of their spouses to Prague by air, train and bus.

For our team, this means planning six different routes in the streets of Prague, preparing more than 80 checkpoints with tasks to complete, coordinating and training 50 assistants, programming 250 tablets according to everything, bringing them to life via the Internet and feeding them with a mobile application branded by the ordering company.

The whole program has been ripening in our heads for some time, and we can´t wait to start counting down “Three, two, one… GO!”


Do you know that:

the lowest price for tablet rental that we needed to add to ours was offered by a UK Agency.


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