Innovative Hybrid Teambuilding Game

1 – 1.5 hour

Indoors and outdoors

Fun, engaging

Minimum: 4 persons

Maximum: Unlimited
The Phoenix Project is a hybrid activity that allows you to work with colleagues on site and also with those who are in the office or at home. Teams try to find and unlock checkpoints, get 12 gold feathers and discover the location of Phoenix´s nest. Players on the spot are in the role of „hunters“, their distant colleagues are „collectors“ who deal with the solution of checkpoints on the screen. The team that can adapt to different situations and communicate clearly the fastest within the given time limit wins.
The Phoenix Project is a fun and engaging teambuilding. For team members to be successful, they must develop an agile collaboration strategy that best combines and leverages the physical and virtual composition of their team. Team dynamics and understanding of the role are needed to effectively gather and share information. The Phoenix Project is an ideal program for re-engaging employees working in separate or remote workplaces. It supports team dynamics, strengthens team ties as well as innovative and strategic thinking.