Improve your team’s performance with Assessment Tool by Catalyst

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Welcome to our newsletter where we introduce our new software for effective team debriefing. It can be accessed via a browser on the tablets or phones of the participants that we have lent. This tool will help you increase the return on investment of your team activities, encourage collaboration and improve performance.


Our team tool uses the methodology of action debriefing, which we see as the most effective way to get feedback and concrete steps that teams can identify with on site. At the same time, it serves as an outlet for the company itself into the future.


The action debrief consists of the following steps:

Teams discuss what happened, what worked and what didn’t, and what could be improved.

Teams propose specific actions they should take to achieve better results in the future.

Individuals vote on which steps are most important and realistic.

The consolidated output report includes a detailed team assessment report and recommendations for further action.

A graphical representation of the overall responses is generated, showing the team’s strengths and weaknesses and areas for improvement.



Our team tool is easy to use, flexible and affordable. You can try it in person or in a virtual meeting. If you are interested in further information, contact us at We look forward to working with you and your team.


Your Catalyst Team