Creative and Competitive Teambuilding Game
2 hours – 3 hours 30 minutes
Indoors and Outdoors
Creative, Competitive, Collaborative
Minimum: 15
Maximum: Unlimited
Breathe the life and the soul into a pile of motionless objects – is it all possible? The Puppet Masters program brings a lot of fun! The task of the teams is to cleverly distribute the whole project into smaller steps. Have you ever wondered how many different moves does human walk consist of? Transferring weight from one foot to the other and engaging the pelvis, belly, waist and back, all require perfect coordination. Experience Puppet Master’s development in communication skills, process improvement, and operational excellence.
But it’s not just about improving the teamwork! Imagine fun when everyone controls one part of the body and tries to imitate human movements. Try the walk, wave your hand, send a kiss to the air or even play a football. This activity will bring to your team memories which stay with them for very long time.