Ideas for Christmas team building!

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Pleasant activities for your team in the run-up to Christmas 

Christmas time is approaching again. We will hear Mariah Carey and her famous hit “All I Want for Christmas Is You” on the radio at least once an hour. There will be tasks on our desk and we will try to complete them with all our might so that we can sit comfortably on the couch with Christmas cookies before Christmas. But it is also time for team meetings before the end of the year. In such a meeting, rather than developing and testing teams, we are looking for a relaxed atmosphere. But not all activities have to be demanding in terms of preparation or finances. Here are some tips that you can prepare for your team yourself: 

Baking cookies together 

One of the most popular and traditional activities. Baking Christmas cookies together is a great way to get into the Christmas spirit while getting together with the team, having fun and getting in the mood for Christmas time. You can divide tasks, choose recipes and then create delicious sweets together. Some companies even hold contests for the best Christmas sweets or gingerbread houses, which can be even more motivating. 

Office decorating competition 

Decorating the office for Christmas can be fun and creative. Divide into teams and aim to create the nicest Christmas decoration. You can use various decorations, lights, Christmas trees and other decorations. At the end of the competition, a winner may be announced who will receive a small reward. From our own experience, we recommend using only reliable electrical appliances. 

Secret Santa 

Secret Santa is a traditional Christmas game that consists of giving one colleague a secret gift. Each team member draws the name of a colleague, to whom they then anonymously prepare a small gift within the given financial framework. At the Christmas meeting, everyone exchanges gifts and tries to guess who their secret gift was. This game brings a lot of fun and enjoyment. 

A joint walk at the Christmas markets 

Christmas markets are full of magical atmosphere, smells and tastes. Walking around the Christmas markets together with homemade or bought mulled wine, is a great way to spend time with colleagues outside the office. You can enjoy the Christmas atmosphere, taste various goodies and maybe even buy a Christmas present. 




But if you are looking for a more complex solution in the run-up to Christmas. The these are our Top Christmas activities: 


Christmas pub quiz 

A Christmas pub quiz can include questions about Christmas traditions, films, music or history. But it can also be tailored for you with questions about the knowledge of your team. You can also add a bonus round with Christmas riddles or songs that the teams have to guess or sing directly. Although the pub quiz is an evergreen of all company gatherings, we have prepared a few details that have taken this game to a new level. 

Beat the Box: Rescue Santa 

This game is perfect for teams that like logical challenges. The task is to rescue Santa, who was trapped in a special box. The team must work together and solve various puzzles and tasks to open the box and free Santa. 

Animate: Christmas Edition 

If you have creative souls in your team, this activity is perfect for you. The task is to create a short animated film with a Christmas theme. The team has to come up with a story, create characters and scenes, and then animate everything. At the end of the activity, you can watch all the movies together and have a lot of fun. You can then use the film for corporate signatures like we did last year for example. 

Quickfire Christmas Edition 

Quickfire is a team competition where teams complete various quick tasks and challenges in several categories. The Christmas edition brings Christmas-themed tasks, such as wrapping presents, decorating a tree or creating Christmas ornaments. This activity is fast, fun and brings lots of laughter and joy. 


We hope these tips help you create enjoyable and memorable Christmas team building activities. 


Feel free to contact me for more inspiration. 


Jakub Škorík 

+420 775 867 461