Creative and Collaborative Teambuilding Game
![City Build Logo malé City Build Logo small](é-150x107.png)
![Čas trvání aktivity ikona Activity Duration – Icon](
2 hours – 3 hours
![Venkovní nebo vnitřní aktivita ikona Indoor or Outdoor Activity – Icon](í-nebo-vnitřní-aktivita-ikona-32x32px.jpg)
Indoors and Outdoors
![Procvičované schopnosti aktivity ikona Trained Abilities of Activities – Icon](
Creative, Collaborative
![Šipka dolu ikona Arrow down – Icon](
Minimum: 50
![Šipka nahoru ikona Arrow up – Icon](
Maximum: Unlimited
The City Build builds on the real challenges faced by architects and urban planners around the world. The task of the group is to build a huge model of the city with the use of creativity and quality planning. Teams receive the allocated area of the city model to build; these are 4 zones: industrial, residential, leisure and commercial. Together, teams must create a city project so the individual zones are designed uniformly and the streets, watercourses, etc. flows smoothly into the zones of neighboring teams. All together forms one urban fiction place to live in. When the time runs out, the teams bring together the different areas of the city and can enjoy the common goal they have all achieved.