Autumn is very popular time for company events and team buildings. With higher number of month temperatures goes down and more often you expect dreadful weather which are not so convenient for such event. What to do with team when is November and you have to plan team building?
We have 3 ways for you.
Activities in any possible weather. Especially in this dreadful weather are for team very beneficial. When client decide for activity in any possible weather the team is already used to challenging activities and they are looking for something harder which brings binds and experience lasting for long time. These conditions will test your psychics with physics. It is great test of each member in team, his setup for work under pressure as well as ability to decide under stress.
Activities inside or outside. Yes, there are such activities, not many, but still you can find which can have interactive tasks to do outside if weather is acceptable but in case of bad weather it can by modified within the same app for inside. Thank you, app developers, for such functionality. By these activities we test and train teams by creative challenges or by situations they never been in and they are completely new to them. Whoever can say that has been playing typical Czech fairy tale including princess, seven headed dragon and king? Silly tasks? You will see how many energy and creativity this will bring within the team.
All mentioned activities don’t have to be acceptable for all teams. Luckily there are many for indoors as well. Very popular are exit games which sometimes reach limit by number of team members involved at the same time. Among our clients is the most popular for this case activity Beat The Box. This activity we call is competitive cooperation in which we test cooperation and communication in between teams and team members by solving many logical tasks which are bind together through other teams and without them they can’t be solved.
At the end I would like to mention that not each activity is suitable for every team. Each team is different and needs something different. Always discuss with professionals in the segment of market how to reach the goals you set for the event to fulfill.
And when you choose activity outdoors you can always have back up plan for bad weather which most of the good companies provide free of charge for you.
Have a great autumn full of colors!
Catalyst Team